Mike and Sofia Segal Foundation is always seeking new opportunities to help

Please read our qualification criteria below and make sure your application satisfies all the criteria below.

Qualification Criteria

  • The organization is a 501c-3, tax exempt non-profit or affiliated with a 501c-3 non-profit organization.
  • The project, institution or organization aligns with the funding priorities outlined in the Mike and Sofia Segal Foundation’s mission statement and goals.
  • Your organization has the capacity to implement your proposed project successfully.
  • Who are the intended beneficiaries of the project and how are you engaged with the target population?
  • A realistic budget that is well detailed.
  • Objectives for your organization, institution or project are defined and are measurable within the proposed timeframe.
  • The proposed grant is innovative, original and non-duplicative.


For further information or to discuss grant opportunities, please email no more than a two (2) page LOI(letter of intent), and or any questions to Noa Gover at Noa.Gover@mssegalfoundation.org.



Mike and Sofia Segal Foundation team

Misha Galperin profile photo

Dr. Misha Galperin

Philanthropic advisor

Misha Galperin, Ph.D. is  President of ZANDAFI Philanthropic Advisors – a firm providing consulting services to foundations, philanthropists and non-profits in developing and implementing vision, mission and strategy. Dr. Galperin, a clinical psychologist, has over 40 years of proven expertise and achievements running non-profit organizations including as COO of UJA-Federation of New York and New York Association for New Americans, CEO of The Educational Alliance, Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and Jewish Agency International Development.

Among his other projects, Dr.Galperin is currently leading the transformation of the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History, after having worked with ANU — Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv, Center for Jewish History and Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York. Author of two books – on Jewish Peoplehood and on Leadership – Dr. Galperin was born and raised in Odessa, Ukraine and currently resides in Brooklyn, NY with his family.